Becoming A Job Shadowee (Mentor)

The mission of the Oklahoma Women in Higher Education organization is to encourage women's leadership in this state and beyond.  To accomplish this, the  OKWHE Executive Board established the Job Shadow Program, through which developing professionals are connected to those individuals in leadership positions. Through the Job Shadow experience, aspiring leaders will, not only gain insight about the responsibilities of their chosen career field, but also receive valuable feedback on the steps needed to achieve their goal.

The responsibilities of a Job Shadowee (mentor) are:
  1. Allow the Job Shadower (mentee) to participate/observe in at least one in-person shadowing event.
  2. Answer questions regarding challenges and rewards in your current role.
  3. Participate in one follow-up virtual meeting with Job Shadower.
  4. Provide constructive feedback and suggestions on how the Job Shadower can position themselves as they navigate their career pathway
We are currently seeking leaders in the positions such as those listed below (not inclusive) to serve during the 2024 calendar year.
  • President
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Vice President
  • Associate/Assistant Vice President
  • Director
  • Dean
  • Chair
Applications to serve OKWHE as a Job Shadowee will be available in January 2024.